no nothing wasteland | 沒有什麼荒原

Uplifted Ascending Buddha
拋擲出一條路 相同的道路 如同了解 無從於佈景式的 假設。

Wildflowers say it's worth the day
by the river
Tossing out a way the same way as knowing can't make the set-up assumptions.

sweet paradise new light

Soft and firm rustle
Beyond the branches in the morning

Atlantis' Light Quotient
Subtle and Sonorous
running through the plateaus,
connected. Kingdom realm, Substance and Time.


不斷的雲 貼近 人類親密的邊緣 緩慢地無聲催促
The constant cloud is close to the edge of human intimacy, urging slowly and silently

If a Tree could Wander

Oh, if a tree could wander
    and move with foot and wings!
It would not suffer the axe blows
    and not the pain of saws!

For would the sun not wander
    away in every night ?
How could at ev'ry morning
    the world be lighted up?

And if the ocean's water
    would not rise to the sky,
How would the plants be quickened
    by streams and gentle rain?

The drop that left its homeland,
    the sea, and then returned ?
It found an oyster waiting
    and grew into a pearl.

Did Yusaf not leave his father,
    in grief and tears and despair?
Did he not, by such a journey,
    gain kingdom and fortune wide?

Did not the Prophet travel
    to far Medina, friend?
And there he found a new kingdom
    and ruled a hundred lands.

You lack a foot to travel?
    Then journey into yourself!
And like a mine of rubies
    receive the sunbeams? print!

Out of yourself ? such a journey
    will lead you to your self,
It leads to transformation
    of dust into pure gold!

-- by Rumi

Breath through the Earth.

Ask yourself:
What is your greatest desire?
What is missing in your life?
What is your greatest talent?

When you have the answer, take a deep breath through the Earth. Ground it, Live it, Dream it and Allow it.
Wishing you all a magical weekend.
Heart to Heart,


{The Elements Experience}

" It is important to remember that whatever thoughts and feelings you have, that is what you are creating and attracting."
" It is crucial at this moment in time that regardless of the thought and feeling you may have, it will determine what you will attract. Be aware, the magic is getting stronger and faster in our Universe."

嬗變. 轉化

Sananda: Moving Beyond the Illusion

" Many times you find yourselves in the fifth dimension, and even beyond that. Because you have those moments, those moments of immense joy and bliss within you, even if you do not know where that is coming from. But it is there. And in those moments you are in that fifth dimension and beyond.

" The only thing that draws you back is the programming, the programming that continues to hold you back. The memories. The memories that encompass the programming. Can you just let go of those memories and that programming? It is difficult, but yes you can. But there are many tools that you have been given to work through this. But understand that nothing is holding you back except for yourself, except for your mind that continues to hold you back in at times within that illusion. Even though you know at this time that there is no illusion. That you have moved beyond it.

" More, and more, and more, you need to continue to trust yourselves. Trust in your knowing, your inner knowing. Not the knowing that the ego or the mind continues to hold you to. Not that knowing, but the inner knowing. The inner voice that speaks to all if they would but listen. And when you listen, when you listen to that wee, small voice within you, you are fully aware of who you are. Then you find yourself free and freely within the higher dimensional frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimension.

"So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the plan, the Great Universal Plan, that you are all bringing about in every moment.


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