keep walking |繼續走


after the Oogway Ascends
into the whole shebang!

重要的是: be alive!
out of the fall
out of the ignorance.
oh my!

天地一氣。all in one breathe!

Keep Walking  20131214
繼續走!    20161104
繼續走, 20141106
到邊城看。 20130624 .... another remote viewing of .. oh my!

* 沈從文 〈邊城〉
* 張愛玲〈重訪邊城〉 


it's done! all done!

to melt!
蒸騰! 要溶化!



Wednesday, November 2, 2022


" With this improved energy dynamics, so called quantum insertion portals are beginning to open. These portals are quick and effective flashes of Light that reach the quantum field on the surface of the planet and may bring rapid improvement of situations on the surface. These portals are now still sporadic, "


"Those portals are coming directly from the Source."


2022 Cobra Interview by WLMM & IGAG & PFC Japan Official (Part 2)

Part 1: Situation Update
Part 2: Ascension Plan
Part 3: Clarification 
Part 4: Future Plans


Part 1:  

Cobra: I would say a very small percentage of the most awakened star people on the planet are ready for the First Contact. Everybody else is not ready and will never be ready. It will just happen and they will be forced to face the reality as it unfolds. They will be presented with the facts as they unfold. It is the only way to go. We cannot wait for everybody to wake up. It's not possible. So the First Contact will happen as soon as it is physically safe for the operation to start, and then it'll happen.
 (I see) Because the critical mass of the Lightworkers have decided and voted for the First Contact, and it'll happen.

Cobra:我會說在地球上覺醒的星際人類中,只有極少部分已經準備好進行第一次接觸。其他人都還沒準備好,而且他們也不可能提前準備。當第一次接觸發生的時候,沒準備的人只能被迫面對現實。他們只能看著第一次接觸帶來的各種轉變。這是唯一可行的辦法。我們不可能等到所有人都覺醒了才進行第一次接觸。只要現實世界夠安全,光明勢力就會進行第一次接觸。 因為想要接觸的光之工作者人數已經達到臨界質並且通過表決支持第一次接觸,它就一定會發生。

Terry: I see. Great. So does it means that it could really happen, for example, within this year?
Terry:明白了。太好了! 所以說第一次接觸真的有可能發生,就在今年囉?

Cobra: I cannot comment on that, but I will say as soon as it is safe, as soon as the dark threats are removed, the First Contact will happen according to the entry protocols or the Contact Dish project. All that will be discussed and the best course of action will be taken regarding the situation at that particular moment, how things will unfold. But yes, First Contact is in plans and it will happen as soon as it's physically safe to do so. 

Cobra:我不能對此發表評論。我只會說只要夠安全,一旦來自黑暗勢力的威脅被移除,第一次接觸就會按照人類和抵抗運動的見面守則或私人星際交流區的規則進行。所有該討論的事項都會處理,然後根據當時的情況採取最好的實施方案。 但,是的! 第一次接觸是計畫當中的事情,而且一旦現實狀況夠安全,它就會發生。

Part 2:

Terry: All right. That's true. The next question, will New Atlantis be established after the global tsunami?

Cobra: It'll be established after the polar shift and I would say fragments of New Atlantis will be established before that in Islands of Light.


Terry: I see. So if, so, who will be creating and forming the New Atlantis on Earth?


Cobra: The most awakened population and other advanced races, which will come here after the First Contact. It'll be a co-creation.


Terry: I see. After the First Contact means that even before the Event?

Cobra: No, after the Event.

Terry: I see. Okay. Understood.

Cobra: Before the Event, we'll have the same old, boring reality we are experiencing now.

Part 3:

Jedi: Okay, got it. Next, have sentient beings existed ever since the first cosmic cycle? If not, when did the Source create the first sentient being?
Jedi:請問有情眾生是宇宙第一次循環開始的時候就出現嗎? 如果不是的話,請問神聖本源是在哪一次的宇宙循環開始創造有情眾生?

Cobra: Okay. Sentient beings existed since the first cosmic cycle, but those first beings were, I would say in a way, very highly advanced, but on the other way, very unexperienced. So this is when the whole process started.


Jedi: Okay. And next, did the Source create sentient beings in the highest plane and let them gradually precipitate to the physical plan?


Cobra: Exactly. 


Part 4:

Patrick: <Laugh> Oh, okay. Cool. Okay, the next one. Qigong by Daoists' definition is also known as inner alchemy. Is Ascension the ultimate goal for both eastern alchemy and western alchemy?

Cobra: Yes.

Patrick: Oh, okay, next one. The individual goal of Daoists is to transform a human into immortal being known as Xian. Is becoming a Xian also the same as Ascension?

Cobra: I would say roughly is the same thing, but technically speaking Xian or immortal stage is the same stage as the Arhat initiation in the Western terms. So it is, I would say a very advanced stage towards the Ascension.

Cobra: 我會說,羽化成仙和揚升大致上是同樣的意思但從技術上講,達到成仙或永生階段等同於達到西方術語中的阿羅漢啟蒙的階段。所以是的,我會說成仙是邁向揚升的一個非常高的境界。

Patrick: Okay. But it's still not Ascension yet. Right?

Cobra: It is a very advanced stage towards the Ascension, I would say.

Jedi: Okay. Got it. You mentioned that the official First Contact will take place at the Headquarters of the United Nations one year after the Event. Will this schedule be shortened to less than a year if the Light Forces consider the current liberation process?

Cobra: Yes, most likely it'll be much less than a year, because everything is being accelerated. So when things begin to happen, they will happen very fast and very intensively.


Jedi: Wow. That's really a good news. Okay, next one. After the First Contact, many Ascended Masters will instruct the surface population with their tangible hologram bodies. We have a list of the most famous Ascended Masters, and we would like to ask you if we might be able to see them face-to-face in the future.

  • Jesus Christ
  • Mother Mary
  • Muhammad
  • The Buddha
  • Guanyin
  • Laozi
  • King Arthur
  • St.Germain
  • Kuthumi
  • Isis the Goddess
  • Ashtar Sheran
  • El Morya

Cobra: Yes. All of them, all of those from your list will most likely be able to show themselves when the time is right after the First Contact.


Jedi: Okay. I will say this name. Okay. (Ok.) Jesus Christ. Yes, yeah?

Cobra: I will not give individual comments. You can read the list, but I would say most of those beings will be able to show themselves and will have a plan to show themselves to the surface population when the time is right.


Cobra: Yes. actually we all know that this process has been going on for too long and it went too far. And the reason for this is there is simply too much darkness and it takes time to process all that darkness. The key is to keep holding the Light, keep anchoring the Light, never giving up and using common sense.




「小乘羅漢一果 二果 三果 習氣未除盡  終究只有證得有餘涅槃法身 是名"有漏身"」
「四果羅漢的習氣盡除 才能證得無餘涅槃法身 是名 "無漏身"」
「就大乘佛教言 四果羅漢即是 登地菩薩 (初地菩薩)
「一地 二地.......八地為不退地 ........直至十地菩薩」



「以行、住、坐、臥 四大威儀即是三昧」

「Samadhi 」「意譯則是等持 (平等持心),正定. 」



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