

" You live on a planet that gives you different movements, like ebb and flow. "

keepers of the universe :  宇宙的守護者

" In every thought, word, and action, let love be your intention." -- Kejraj 
Very simply, connect with your higher self, with your I AM presence, with your soul." --Cobra 「大家要連結自己的高我、我是臨在和靈魂。」

Be the conductors for the incoming Light. and 
Be the blissful light.

blue dawn



When you feel that you need more and more joy, more sharing, more respect for all that lives, then you will know that you are on the “right path”, the path of the Liberating Light that brings Happiness and Beauty in the eyes of each and every one."


our cause


my observing path


all that

「我心有所愛 / 不忍讓世界傾敗」,

"What would happen when the Soul whispering gets so loud that an individual cannot deny and neglect this calling? Would a human being listen and trust it and live the life meant to be lived fully? " -- E.T.

" Beyond is a melodious gateway to the lighthouse of one's heart. Capturing the depth of inner connection with life that is beyond words or comprehension, Beyond calls for honouring the essence of what we truly are, peace and harmony within, where everything is music. "


Remember Your Divine Origins

Daily Message for 5/1/2023

“Devotion to the divine within and commitment to the process of awakening must be the focus, as it was for the ancient masters, in order for you to maintain the higher states of consciousness. With this comes the activation of 144,000 Starseeds who are incarnated on Earth now. Being in the vibrations of the pure heart one maintains the high frequencies of the Fifth Dimension. This is to bring instant shifts on the planet.” ~Kejraj 

「對內在神聖的奉獻和對覺醒過程的承諾必須是焦點,就像古代大師那樣,以便你保持更高的意識狀態。隨之而來的是現在化身在地球上的 144,000 個星際種子的激活。處於純淨之心的振動中,一個人可以保持第五維度的高頻。這是為了給地球帶來即時轉變。

Daily Message for 5/2/2023

"Greetings Children of Sun. For it is through the Sun which your Soul enters this world, and into the mother’s womb. May you continue to flow in waves of light radiated to you from the Sun, and become realized creators in the heavenly world you call Earth. The more you meditate, purifying your physical vessel and old energies, and focus on raising your frequency, the more light you are able to hold within your being. The light you hold now is to multiply by the Summer Solstice.
May you be enveloped in the light and love of the All That Is. "~Kejraj

願你被那 All That Is 一切所之光和愛所圍繞。」~Kejraj

Daily Message for 5/3/2023

"You have a Universe of powerful angelic beings just waiting for your asking for assistance with Earthly affairs. Archangels, Elohim, Ascended Masters, billions of positive ET’s, and more. If you feel humanity needs their assistance, take a few minutes in prayer. "~Kejraj

Conversations with Kuthumi: Dancing with Your Shadow

The Federation of Light: Potential of Miracles

"This light, this spiritual electricity is within you, it is what you are composed of, it encompasses by far your physical, this is the 99% of your being. The true, spiritual being that is YOU is 99% spiritual light, and only 1% physical. Yet here humanity is, still feeling, thinking and believing it is a caged animal. Thinking it cannot overcome the illusory shadows in the world, 
within and without. ~Kejraj"

「這光,這靈性的電流在你之內,它是你的組成部分,它涵蓋了你的身體,這是你存在的 99%。真正的靈性存在是你 99% 的靈性之光,只有 1% 的物質。然而,在這裡,人類仍然感覺、思考並相信自己是一隻被關在籠子裡的動物。以為不能勝過世間的虛影,


In Parallel
so it is

let's do this!

"we have achieved the critical mass!"

" we will keep the energy flowing."

"This will assist in further expansion and grounding of energies of the Portal of Light after the main activation. "

1. Pluto-Moon-Juno grand trine, which occurs on May 2nd at 8:32 am UTC and
2. Wesak full Moon on May 5th at 5:35 pm UTC
2. 衛塞節滿月冥想 時間: Portal of Light Wesak 

Instructions: (Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.)

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, flowing also through the Central Sun of the M87 Galaxy. Then visualize this light activating the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, ending all wars, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a grand spiritual awakening of humanity and contact with positive extraterrestrial races. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth. 

* Protection protocol
ATVOR Activation:
I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and to form around me.
I call upon the Presence of the I Am That I Am.
I ask the Presence of the I Am That I Am to join and merge with me.


"When the pillar of brilliant  white light (ATVOR ) descends upon you, it can activate your light body.  Once your light body is fully activated, it becomes your personal portal / spacecraft. After the ascension, we can use our own light body to travel freely without taking a spaceship."


"Light body is a rotating torus. When two high-dimensional electron flames enter your body and intersect with the rising Kundalini energy within you at your heart chakra, they will together create a toroidal field.  This field rotates at very high speed.  When you manage to make it rotate at  the speed of light, you will ascend."

RE: Wesak 衛塞節 -- 

Opening the Portal  2013 05 25 "This is the time of Wesak, which is a period of spiritual blessing for humanity and an outpouring of Light for the entire." planet. The main vortex for this is centered in the Himalayan mountains where many Initiates and Masters will gather to anchor the Light for the Earth at this time of the full moon in May. " 20130514「衛塞節─象徵全人類都蒙受福佑而且聖光灑落地球的吉祥好日。當天的主要能量漩渦座落在喜馬拉雅山脈。許多的揚升學徒和大師們會在滿月當天齊聚一堂,為地球錨定聖光」

20130525 Opening of the Portal Report "For the first time in human history, the energy of divine grace has entered the surface of the planet directly from the Galactic Central Sun." 


2013 年 5 月  2013-05-  
where am i?

as far as the story goes



2013-05-22 Event Horizon   


"ATVOR technology is based on AN conversion: "
SOLARA | 11:11手印 Mudra


2020-05-06:  Portal2025   

my path of  mass meditations starts here:


Collective Meditation Every Sunday
All is Light, All is Love, All is Well. So It Is. 如是所願。


奏草流雲 2020-05-23
阡陌柴門外 2020-05-14 .......


“The Presence of  I Am That I Am

a now moment is


"All That Is"

The Return of Spirit


"The entire Universe is being uplifted to a higher vibrational frequency and Earth leads the way. For what happens on Earth will affect the whole. This is why you have the attention of billions of beings from around the galaxy and beyond, watching, guiding and protecting humanity and Earth,
SHE IS the chosen one.
She is the E A R T H = H E A R T of this process.
She is E A R T H A = THE GOLDEN ONE ". ~Kejraj


"When black holes  evaporate, Tunnels of Set will disappear immediately. When Tunnels of Set disappear, Tunnels of Light can be opened.  Once all subatomic particles are connected with  each other, a huge amount of Light from high dimensional planes will enter the Earth."

 "When all subatomic particles in the whole universe begin to communicate, the cosmic evolution can accelerate greatly." 



"2023 is the year for the Return of the Spirit. The Return of the Spirit means that the energy from the fifth to seventh dimensions  begins to enter the lower dimensions. The Light will  enter the mental, emotional , etheric and physical  plane. These higher dimensional energies will help prepare the Earth for the Ascension Plan. This process began this February at the Earth’s mental plane,as the Light forces drove Lords of Karma out of their stronghold in the mental plane. For the past 25,000 years,  Lords of Karma have occupied Earth’s mental plane, controlling the Earth quarantine zone."--Cobra 20230408


"Huge ships are cloaked around the Earth. They do not use all the Mjolnir technology. They also use ATVOR.
This increases the energy of the body.
This light harmonizes."
「巨大的船隻隱藏在地球周圍。他們並不都使用雷神之鎚科技。他們還使用 ATVOR。




"You are here because a call echoed through the cosmos, you volunteered, you were chosen. You are here to anchor and hold the higher light entering Earth. Assisting Earth as the new divine matrix becomes comfortable. Without you, this shift would have not been possible. The shift in consciousness, and humanity to a higher reality, would have failed without your presence and support." ~Kejraj 20230509

時間膠囊~ WingMaker 造翼者  
deity~Aion & Iona


from Cobra:

Portal of Light Activation and Taiwan Conference Reports

Saturday, May 13, 2023


"In the weeks before the activation and the weeks after it, the Light forces have managed to clear many exotic weapons of the dark forces, and the positive timeline is now much more stable than ever before."

"First, by utilizing Mjolinr technology, the Light forces have evaporated all physical and non-physical black holes around the surface of the planet, including all black holes in the auric fields and all black holes inside implants of the surface population. This has collapsed all Tunnels of Set and the dark grid around the planet is no longer an inverted grid, but only a distorted grid. Without black holes, Kabbalistic black magic is much less effective, since qliphoth no longer exist: "

Second, the Light forces have destroyed all remaining toplet bombs.
This is a huge victory, "



Cobra | 2023年4月台湾扬升会议筆记


台北揚升會議記錄 20230408
台北揚升會議記錄 20230409

The conference notes are now available.The official notes are about 80% reliable:



The following notes are about 65% reliable, but you can feel the energy of the conference through them:


"The resistance movement is preparing an AI, making it their own which they will release as an Internet system that will be benevolent and positive. There will be a restructuring and reset of the financial system and the news will become real. This will be released when the time is right." --peter pan's note

Re: Galactic Reset 銀河重置
---Cobra conference note 20230409

This is Lucy. The inner core of this planet is full of diamonds. The planet is about as big as our Moon. It has 1034 carats of diamonds ( 34 zeros after 1)  

When humanity reunites with our galactic family, people will begin to connect with their inner spiritual power and enjoy greater abundance."
"True abundance can only be achieved by combining spirituality with physical reality. Once we are spiritually wealthy, we will naturally have physical abundance.” 
「真正的豐盛只能通過將靈性與物質現實實相結合起來實現。 一旦我們精神上富有了,我們自然就會擁有物質上的豐盛。」


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